Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Everything happens for a reason

My life motto and a saying I always use when something doesn't go my way. So when I started crossing my fingers really really hard back in September, as hard as I crossed them I knew deep down that it was out of my control. Something that doesn't sit so well with a control freak. And when we found it wasn't in our favor (even to begin with), I still got really down on our current situation.

Casey and I have always talked about moving to Colorado to settle in on life. It's not just the fact that my family lives there, but also the fact that Colorado is adventurous, seasonal, cozy, amazingly beautiful, and just a great place to live and grow up. I know. I lived there for 18 years and I'd describe my childhood as "brady bunch"-ish. So when an opportunity came up for us in the Colorado Springs/Castle Rock area, we were all over it. We've actually been looking at options for over a year now and we're stoked to find something so close to our dream town of Castle Rock.

We waited day after day, week after week, and month after month for any information. At one point we were told the application passed round 1 and we were moving on to round 2. When I checked back just this past week, turns out they've put a halt on their hiring process until 2011 with no further information. The economy (I hate that word these days) is to blame. Sure we would of had the added stress of selling our house or renting it out, paying a moving company to haul all of our junk, and figure out where to live before we get there, whether rental or buy new home. I've signed up on all these real estate websites and get updated weekly and sometimes daily on new houses for sale. I know what I want.
I may not understand why we've been destined to live here for at least a little while longer, but one day it will all make sense. Perhaps we still have unfinished business here. Maybe I haven't had enough of Arizona just yet. I love it here, I really do. I love where we live, I love my job (despite the fact I drive 40 miles one way), Casey's been lucky enough to have a pretty damn good schedule considering he's only been on for almost 4 years, and I love the fact that we can take a short drive north for cooler temperatures whether to get away from the unbearable summer heat or to play with the dogs in the winter snow; we can head west to the California beaches and visit some friends; south to mexico; take a quick weekend getaway trip to Vegas for cheap; or even find some pretty good deals to fly to Denver for a long weekend like we did last weekend for my sisters graduation.

So we'll start the research and process again with hopes for a better outcome this time around. But in the meantime, I've come to embrace the fact that things happen in God's time and not mine.